Reached your target weight? Now it’s time to stay there with our Maintain Programme. There is no beginning or end when it comes to sustained weight loss, like any weight loss programme; if you go back; to your old/bad eating habits weight will creep back on.
Our Maintenance phase is designed specifically to keep you on the straight and narrow by showing you a new way of eating.
- No artificial colours or preservatives
- 25 vitamins and minerals
- A nutritionally balanced combitnated of protein, carbohydrates, fats
This helps to keep your metabolism functioning healthily and more importantly, gets you through your busy day.
- Replace 1 meal each day with Celebrity Slim meal replacements
Choose from shakes, soups, or smoothies.
- Enjoy 3 daily snacks
Such as fruit, nuts, veggies and snack bars.
- Enjoy 2 healthy, balanced meal
With plenty of protein and veggies.
- Keep Hydrated
It is important to drink plenty of water each day - we recommend 2L minimum per day.